Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 5 Post-Op (June 25)

I drive back to Dubai again (damn, I’ve never driven to Dubai this many times in such a short period of time..well I was not driving, I was driven to Dubai).  The doctor who performed my LASEK surgery was on leave (he did tell me that another doctor will help me and remove the bandage contact lens).  Things were very blurry but I imagined that once the lenses were out things would get clear.  Oh how wrong I was.  When he removed them things just got blurrier! They got even more blurry as time passed by.  Was that a good thing or not, I had no clue.  The doctor told me to follow up with him after 5 days.  Then after a short discussion with reception I found out that they had a small office in Abu Dhabi located in the Imperial College London Diabetes Center and that doctors from Dubai were available there during specific days of the week.

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