Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Glasses! (April 17)

I received my new glasses two days ago and it did feel like I will need some time to get used to them.  They were very light and the larger lens made things look funny when I looked down.  As I was cleaning them one day I heard a funny cracking noise but didn’t notice anything in the glasses.  As I put the glasses back on my eyes I notice a small water drop…which was in fact not a water drop.  Congrats…I managed to crack my lens two days after receiving them (the lens themselves cost AED 1,000).  The crack was very small and on the side and I didn’t notice it at all when wearing the glasses (nor can anyone else notice it).  To me this felt like a message that it was time to move away from glasses to a better solution.  A few moments later I forget about the whole thing and carry on with my life. 

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