Friday, December 23, 2011

Dec 17, 2011 appointment

Slightly good news, as I have observed the following changes from the medical report:

Left eye went from +2.25 to +1.75, although has Grade 2 haze
Right eye went from +6.00/-2.00 to +5.75/-1.50, with Grade 2 haze

Haze is expected to disappear with time, doctor is approximating 6 months from will have to see how things are in June 2012 (which will be 1 year after the surgery).

I inquired on what caused this issue and why I was unfortunate.  
  • Was it the surgery itself that went bad? 
  • Was it because the bandage contact lens was removed at day 5 while the epithelium has not healed completely?
  • Was it because the bandage contact lens was reinserted at day 9 and kept in my eyes for a period of 5 weeks without being replaced once?
  • Was it just my body that did not have the capability of regrowing epithelium at the typical expected rate?
  • Or was it something else I have not considered?
Doctor's response was that I was unfortunate, and the delay in epithelium healing (which took me 2 months to have heal completely, while the average is 5-9 days) had my eyes exposed which lead to tissue loss (even though not a single follow up appointment mentioned that I suffered from an infection, so what cause the tissue loss is strange, even though they tell me at my 4 month post op appointment that there was tissue loss due to an infection....which was the first time they mention infection and they talk about it in the past?!).  To be honest, I'm not convinced with this generic statement from the doctor...

Doctor is expecting in a 6 month time left eye can reach +0.75 and left eye +3.00

I have an appointment on the 26th of Dec for a fitting for hybrid contact lens (the center is RGP with a soft skirt for extra comfort).  Look up SynergEyes for more details on what hybrid contact lens are.  I can't wear regular contacts because the center of my eye suffered tissue loss, and a soft contact cannot hold its shape with a hole in the center of my eyes.  Regular RGP contacts are not known for best comfort, so hopefully hybrid contacts can be a good solution as the haze clears from my eyes.

All I have to do is wait and believe.
Although I don't have closure yet as I don't really understand what went wrong.


boomandvibe said...

Hi. Glad to see your eyes are getting better at least. Sorry to see that your case was special. Would you like to join a PRK forum? People talk about their problems and find solutions there. Its called 'lasermyeyes prk post op forum'

Im at five months post op. My eyes still the same as 3 months ago. Severe ghosting and dry eyes.

About your contact lenses, im not sure its the wisest choice by your doctor. I was suffering from ghosting even before the surgery due to high astigmatism. I used to wear the Synergeyes contact lenses because of the exact reasons you know. It WAS more comfortable than RGP lenses and provided better vision than soft lenses, but the first two times my doctor tried to get the right fit, the lenses ended up scratching my cornea.

Unless your doctor can fit it perfectly the first try, I think it'd be important to be cautious because your eyes are still healing and perceptible to change.

Just my two cents. Happy new year

tatsumi09 said...

Thanks for the comment.

I went for the lens fitting visit yesterday and decided not to go for contacts to give my eyes time to heal.

No use rushing and losing the long term benefits of natural eye healing.