Thursday, September 29, 2011

Health Screening at ICLDC

Today I had a health screening done at the Imperial College London Diabetes Center in Abu Dhabi. It involves various blood tests and a urine specimen to check for cholesterol, diabetes and liver health as well as performing an ECG to check heart health. Other standard measurements taken include weight, blood pressure, vision and checking if motor functions/senses are fine.

As expected, the first point was I gained weight from the last time I took the test (74kg in Nov 2010, 82kg in Sep 2011). 8 kilos gained!

Second point was an increase in LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). Here is the cholesterol breakdown:

As you can see above, LDL cholesterol is very elevated and classified as “HIGH” while total cholesterol is high. What are the next steps? Exercise, eat fruits, avoid unhealthy processed food (i.e. lifestyle change) and a follow up appointment at the Imperial College in January 2012.

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