I used it to show how I see the world. My right eye is by far a lot worse but I tried to approximate things to give an overall idea. All images have a perfect vision vs my vision for comparison.
In ideal conditions, my left eye sees the clarity as shown below.
Ghostig Effect. Right eye is 4 times as worse as the example shown (instead ofjust one ghost, I see 4 or 5 ghosts). My left eye compenates and makes things better.
Another example of ghosting. If I stress the muscles in my eyes I can achieve better vision. Again, right eye is a loooooot worse than what you see.
Glare when there is a lot of light in the background. Three images attached depending on how much light is coming from the windows.
Halo effect that makes me think this is how the light is actually seen by most people...when in fact it's not.
When I drive when it's sunny, things get a lot clearer. In dim places, the negative effects of my vision are a lot more obvious like in the example below.
Driving at night is a nightmare. Starburst from cars is painful. The starbursts prevent me from seeing anything else.
As you can see I'm really placing my hopes on contact lenses. Glasses don't help much with these problems. Contacts almost take it all away. I just have to be patient to get them to fit right.